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Years providing answers to your queries.

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About me

"To succeed you must make sure you have the right cards in your hand" - Rute

  • University degree for Solicitor
  • Legal assistant in Law Firms
  • Professional Training Course for Solicitors
  • Registered at the Portuguese Solicitor’s Association
  • Private practice of Law in Lagos
  • Post-graduate qualification in Registrations and Notarial Documents

Our Services

Purchase and Sale of Property

Buying a property is one of the biggest investments that a person can do, whether for permanent residency, holiday home or to generate rental income.

Rental License (AL)

Requesting a AL licence involves different aspects as gathering the legal paperwork of the property, install safety equipment, select insurance, start rental activity, register the property for AL.

Fiscal Representation

If your permanent address is not in EU territory but you need a fiscal number (NIF) to buy a property, open a bank account, wait for a residency permit, etc., you must have a fiscal representative.


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Yes, I represent my clients with power of attorney that can be signed anywhere in the world according to that country’s law and authenticated to be used in Portugal. The payment of the price is also made through my professional bank account and I work with exchange companies in case the payment is not in Euros. This way, I can represent my clients, sign the deed and register them as the owners without them having to come to Portugal. I will have the keys in my office waiting for you.
Of course. I will provide assistance in registering rental activity at the tax department, inform you of all the requirements that the property must meet to be open to the public according to safety regulations and I can request the AL license on your behalf. If needed, I also work with a network of people and companies that can help you with bookings and property management, as well as accountancy.

A fiscal representative makes sure that you are notified of all taxes and obligations before the Tax Department, as you don’t want to miss out on paying the annual council rates, for example, and risk to have your property seized. If you have your residency address out of the EU, and you own a property or bank account in Portugal, then you must have a fiscal representative or activate official e-notifications . If your address is in an EU country, you can decide whether or not you want to have a fiscal representative.

Yes, we provide that service in our office as well as representation at the sale, freeing you of the hassle and we can also provide you with a capital gains tax estimate to help you decide the sale price.
Please contact our office if you have an enquiry regarding services

Purchase and Sale of Properties

Buying a property is one of the biggest investments that a person can do, whether for permanent residency, holiday home or to generate rental income. The due diligence before the purchase is just as important as the final deed. Hiring legal assistance will ensure that all the legal paperwork is in order, not only to complete the purchase deed but also to meet your interests.

Rental License (AL)

Requesting a AL licence involves different aspects as gathering the legal paperwork of the property, install safety equipment, select insurance, start rental activity, register the property for AL. I can either guide you through the process or make it even easier by doing all the above on your behalf with power of attorney. Long term rental contracts are included in the type of contracts that I do.

Fiscal Representation

If your permanent address is not in EU territory but you need a fiscal number (NIF) to buy a property, open a bank account, wait for a residency permit, etc., you should have a fiscal representative. By providing this service, I make sure that all notices from the Tax Department are communicated to my clients to avoid debts or penalties.